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Science Outreach 
Rockefeller University Organizations


A collaborative and creative team of scientists, educators, and support staff that works at the intersection of basic science research and K-12 science education to create innovative and flexible science resources and programs that promote equitable access to and an appreciation for the scientific process, and are sustained through a culture of outreach within the scientific community.


Rockefeller Core Neuroscience Course
This is a year long course for graduate students specializing in Neuroscience for their thesis research. It is taught by multiple faculty at the Rockefeller University, with topics ranging from brain circuits, molecular neurobiology, brain evolution, and disorders of the brain.


Science Saturday
Science Saturday takes place in May and is a STEM festival for K–8 students and their families.


Talking Science
Talking Science is designed to engage high school students and their teachers through interactive lectures and demonstrations in areas of current research being conducted at the University.


LAB Jumpstart
RockEDU’s LAB Jumpstart program supports 16 high school students attending school in NYC school in a combined after-school and summer research experience.


LAB Backstage
A virtual “backstage pass” to the scientific enterprise, through the lens of the human experience. Middle and high school student groups, up to 40 students, will be connected to a member of the Rockefeller scientific community for a <1 hour zoom conversation about how a specific aspect of science is used in their work or life, or both.


LAB Experience program
An immersive science research experience developed specifically for middle and high school classes (25-38 students). These full-day field trips take place in the RockEDU Science Outreach Laboratory at The Rockefeller University.


Summer Neuroscience Program
The Summer Neuroscience Program (SNP) at The Rockefeller University is a two-week course aimed at introducing talented NYC public high school students to the brain. Led by graduate students, the program takes a look at the most current research in neuroscience in an effort to understand how our brain works and how it relates to our daily life.


Summer Science Research Program
The Rockefeller University's Summer Science Research Program (SSRP) is designed to offer intellectually curious, highly motivated high school students with a strong aptitude in the life or physical sciences a total-immersion experience in laboratory research. Students are matched to a lab according to their stated field of interest and are individually mentored by graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, or lab heads. These mentors volunteer to design and supervise individualized summer projects for their students.



Contact the Jarvis Lab


Rockefeller University, Box 54, 1230 York Avenue,New York, NY 10065


​(212) 327-8437

Lauren Shalmiyev - Administrative Coordinator 

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©2021 by Albert M. Sanchez

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