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In The News

Press coverage and the public impact of our research

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Pioneer Works Erich's talk_edited.jpg

February 21, 2025

Recent News

Pioneer Works - Scientific Controversies
Birdbrains Are Brilliant. Neuroscientists Agree

Explore the fascinating neuroscience behind bird language, vocal learning, and the role of language in flocking.

In this episode of Scientific Controversies, Director of Sciences Janna Levin talks to Professor Erich Jarvis and Professor Lauren Riters about the fascinating neuroscience behind bird language, vocal learning, and flocking. Together, they unravel what bird brains are really capable of, and all that avian communities might reveal about our own.

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The New York Times.png

February 18, 2025

Recent News

The New York Times:
The Gene That Made Mice Squeak Strangely

A new study suggests that the NOVA1 gene may have been a key player in the evolution of human language.

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SFN neuronline.jpeg

July 17, 2024

Recent News

Cultural Influences on the Way to Do and Interpret Our Science

This session will discuss how ethnicity, gender, vocabulary, and culture affect the types of experiments scientists perform, how they interpret their findings, and what career decisions they make. This includes the terminology that neuroscience uses to describe regions and functions of the brain.

This was selected as a part of the Neuroscience 2023 programming: Theme H – Cognition

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Science Audet et al.jpeg

September 15, 2023

Recent News

Vocal learning linked to problem solving skills and brain size

The European starling boasts a remarkable repertoire. Versatile songbirds that learn warbles, whistles, calls, and songs throughout their lives, starlings rank among the most advanced avian vocal learners. Now a new study published in Science finds that starlings, along with other complex vocal learners, are also superior problem solvers.


August 31, 2023

Recent News

NHGRI's Oral History Collection: Interview with Erich Jarvis

In this oral history interview, Dr. Jarvis discusses his early life as a dancer, how the arts has guided his work as a scientist, how he came to his groundbreaking research on vocal learning in animals and how his work has been impacted by the completion of the Human Genome Project and subsequent rapid developments in genome sequencing technologies.


March 8, 2023

Recent News

New blood in the copycat club

PRECIOUS FEW ANIMALS can learn to imitate new sounds, a skill known as advanced vocal learning. Humans and parrots can do it, as can whales, seals, bats, hummingbirds, songbirds, and elephants, the last of which have been observed copying the sounds of passing trucks. New research from the laboratory of Erich D. Jarvis welcomes woodpeckers as members of this rather exclusive club, albeit for a different reason


September 20, 2022

Recent News

Woodpecker brains process their own tree-drumming as if it's birdsong

The brain circuitry that lets birds learn songs is active when woodpeckers drum on trees, suggesting the abilities may have emerged from similar evolutionary processes

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Huberman Lab Erich.png

 August 29, 2022

Recent News

Dr. Erich Jarvis: The Neuroscience of speech, language & music

My guest this episode is Dr. Erich Jarvis, PhD—Professor and the Head of the Laboratory of Neurogenetics of Language at Rockefeller University and Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). .


June 10, 2022

Recent News

Completing human genomes

Nature Methods is pleased to publish several papers presenting methods developed by members of the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) Consortium, which facilitated the generation and analysis of the first complete human genome.

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Seek Finch.jpg

May 23, 2022

Recent News

Repeat after me 

How did evolution come up with that most human of all human traits—our ability to imitate and produce speech? The answer has eluded scientists for centuries. But all along it may have lurked above their heads, in the treetops.


March 31, 2022

Recent News

Complete Human Genome Deciphered for the First Time

Twenty years after scientists first reported reading the human genome, the Telomere-to-Telomere consortium has now unveiled a complete version. Their work uncovered hundreds of new genes and opens the door to new insights into evolution and disease.

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March 16, 2022

Recent News

A more-inclusive genome project aims to capture all of human diversity

Researchers are building a human ‘pangenome’ that would represent the entirety of human genetic variation. But not everyone is ready to sign on.

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January 21, 2022

Recent News

Historical Soundscapes Reveal Quieter Future For Natural World

A group of researchers reconstructed historical soundscapes using bird data to hear the impact of dramatic declines in birds throughout the world.

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December 6, 2021

Recent News

Birdsong-related DNA sequences tied to autism-linked genes

Genes that appear to play a role in some birds’ ability to learn songs are frequently mutated in autistic people, according to a new study.


November 15, 2021

Recent News

A new interdisciplinary center, devoted to the neuroscience of social behavior, has been launched with a $25 million gift

Richard P. Lifton, president of The Rockefeller University, today announced a gift of $25 million from Michael and Vikki Price to establish the Price Family Center for the Social Brain, a groundbreaking interdisciplinary initiative that will expand the frontiers of neuroscience.

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November 12, 2021

Recent News

CSP Interview: Vocal Learning with Dr. Erich Jarvis

This time on The Conduct Science Podcast, Tom is joined by one of the most influential vocal learning scientists to have ever lived: Dr. Erich Jarvis.

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September 14, 2021

Recent News

The Bioinformatics CRO Podcast:
Episode 43 with Erich Jarvis

Erich Jarvis, Professor at Rockefeller University and investigator at HHMI, explains how studying the neural and genetic mechanisms of vocal learning in songbirds gives insights into the development of spoken language in humans.


July 29, 2021

Recent News

The Rockefeller University

Should scientists be more vocal?



Jarvis Interview
racism virus



On vocal learning

On genomics

Archive News


ScienceDaily Study of birds’ sense of smell reveals important clues for behavior, adaptation
NU Parrots can mimic speech thanks to special brain structure
Politiken Researcheres: Here’s parrot talk center
Newstalk Moncrieff Interview with Mukta Chakraborty (audio source: Mani Chakraborty, time: 5:08)

Communication: Listening in (eLife)

The Conversation How the parrot got its chat (and its dance moves)
Bioscience Technology Study Hints at Why Parrots are Great Vocal Imitators
Times of India Mystery of parrots’ talking ability solved
DailyMail How do parrots talk? Wiring in the brain may explain their ability to imitate speech, study claims
IFL Science Why are Parrots Such Good Copycats?
Science Magazine Newly identified brain structure may explain why parrots are such good copycats
Phys.Org Study hints at why parrots are great vocal imitators
Duke Feedstyle New Study Hints at Why Parrots are Great Vocal Imitators
DukeTODAY Study Hints at Why Parrots are Great Vocal Imitators
Braindecoder Unique Structures In Parrot Brain May Explaining Mimicking Skills
The Telegraph Revealed: The secret to how parrots talk
Duke Today Study Hints at Why Parrots are Great Vocal Imitators
The Bird Family Tree Gets a Makeover
BBC Can any animals talk and use language like humans?
New Scientist Did neurons evolve more than once on Earth?
Duke Magazine A feather in his cap
Science Magazine Science by any means necessary
Science Magazine Following the birdsong of science
Scientific American The Bird Family Tree Gets a Makeover
Science World Report Mice Sing Like Songbirds to Woo Their Mates (VIDEO)
Smithsonian Magazine Male Mice Sing Sexy Songs to Woo Females
Discovery News Male Mice Sing Fancy Tunes to Woo the Ladies
The Washington Post Mice sing just like birds, but we can’t hear them
NBC News Hear How Singing Mice Change Their Tune to Woo Mates
Reuters Rodent romance: male mice use ‘love songs’ to woo their women
The Guardian Squeaky serenade: male mice woo females with song, scientists discover
Huffington Post Yes, Mice Can Sing. And You Won’t Believe How Much They Sound Like Songbirds
Duke Today Mice Sing Like Songbirds to Woo Mates



Science Whole-genome Analyses Resolve Early Branches in the Tree of Life of Modern Birds
Washington Post Birdsong and human speech turn out to be controlled by the same genes
LiveScience Birds Evolved in ‘Big Bang,’ New Family Tree Reveals
Reuters Feathered friends: researchers unveil bird ‘family tree’
The Scientist Bird Genomes Abound
EurekaAlert! Chickens and turkeys ‘closer to dinosaur ancestors’ than other birds
Phys.Org Genes tell story of birdsong and human speech
AAAS New Genome Sequences Reveal the Bird Tree of Life
Science Podcast



HHMI Melody-Modifying Mice
NCBI Rudimentary Substrates for Vocal Learning in a Subuscine



Duke Today Singing Mice Show Signs of Learning
Plos One Of Mice, Birds, and Men
IBiology Erich Jarvis: Brain Pathways for Vocal Learning 



CBS Scientists Decode Songbird Genome
BBC News Blueprint of the Songbird Genome



NIH Evolution and Medicine Brain Evolution: Lessons from birds and humans who sing and talk (4th article on page)



Duke Today Erich Jarvis Named Howard Hughes Investigator

The News & Observer Prof’s bird-brain research honored

Scientific American Song-Learning Birds Shed Light on Our Ability to Speak



Science Why Does the Songbird Sing?

National Geographic Humans Are Birdbrained When Learning Speech, Study Hints



3SAT Sexy-syllable sound for Kanarienvogelweibchen

ACF Newsource Bird Song Neurobiologist Jarvis Named to “Brilliant 10”

Innovations Report Scientists propose sweeping changes to naming of bird neurosystems


2004 A bird ‘language’ gene pinpointed

Innovations Report A Bird “Language” Gene Pinpointed

Duke Medicine A Bird “Language” Gene Pinpointed

Advance for Administrators of the Laboratory A Bird “Language” Gene Pinpointed

UCLA A Bird’s Song May Be Key to Understanding Human Speech Disorders

Scientific American Birds Share ‘Language’ Gene with Humans Chatty Finches Bird’s song may be linked to speech disorders

UPENN Birdsong and Speech:Together in the Genome?

Pysch Central Bird’s song may be linked to speech disorders

SciTecLibrary A Bird ‘Language’ Gene Pinpointed

The Human Genome Some Special Genes

NIH Learned Birdsong and the Neurobiology of Human Language

Ascribe A Bird ‘Language’ Gene Pinpointed

ScienCentral Bird Brain Gene

Songbird gene linked to speaking in humans



Rita Collwell Lecture NSF Computing: Getting us on the path to wisdom

Eureka Alert! Talking to the animals?

New York Times A Biologist Explores the Minds of Birds That Learn to Sing

BBC – Radio 4 – Leading Edge Why Birds Sing…
BBC NEWS | In Depth | Denver Birds Sexy Songs

Nature Online Genes Sing New Song

The Age Dawn chorus could hold key to man’s ability to talk

The Guardian Bird brains offer clues to origins of speech

Aftonbladet The parrot can explain how we learn language

Medic Media Songbirds help to understand how the human speech

The NPR Bird Brains

ABC Radio International w/Robyn Williams Bird Song

Die Welt Learn to speak together

3 Sat Sexy-syllable sound for Kanarienvogelweibchen

Hunter College Neurobiologist Erich Jarvis ’88 Leads New Scientific Studies of Historic Importance

NIGMS Minority Program Update

Delta SEE Radio

SeqWright Participates in Sequencing the Zebra Finch Brain Full-length cDNA Library

I am an African American Scientist

NIH Record NIGMS Anniversaries Marked at Minority Meeting

Just Garcia Hill

Hummingbird Articles

Dallas News

CBC Radio | Richardson’s Roundup

Tiere Brauchen


Profauna – Gehirnstruktur fu”rs



Bilim Utopya


Life Extension Foundation

NSF Images

Leadership for the Future S&E Workforce

Learning from songbirds

AAAS News Release

AAAS News Report

AAAS Women & Minorities in Science Networking Brea.

AAAS What Happened During the Meeting

Bay Weekly: Dock of the Bay

Clever Boy


London Independent

Times Online

Denver Science Editor

The Science Coalition-Duke University

National Science Teachers Association

B-Mail(sm): ARBIRD-L

Duke bird song researchers in the news

President’s Speech: NSF

Silicon Valley Biz Ink. Seqright Announcement



NSF Waterman Press Release

NSF Alan T. Waterman Award Recipient 2002

Duke Magazine-A Scientist in Full-Update- 2002

NIGMS Minority Programs Update

Duke Waterman Press Release Duke Daily Dialogue News ReleaseDuke News – ReleaseINSIDE Duke Waterman

Confessions of a Bird Brain

NIH Record Minority Program

Daily Report Chronicle

Duke University Year In Review



Duke Magazine-Singing In The Brain



N.96 – Julho-Agosto 2000

Universidade Estadual de Campinas 2000a

Universidade Estadual de Campinas 2000b

Reasons To Believe: Facts For Faith Issue 4, 2000

Duke News – Image GalleryDuke Hummingbird News Release 2000Natural History 2000aNatural History 2000bCiencia e Tecnologia 2000No mundo da Ciência 2000artigos2000AS VOZES DO BEIJA FLOR 2003Unicamp 2000Estado “Estudo mapeia cérebro de beija-flores” 2000Brazil jun 2000Ciencia Hoje 2000

ExpeditionZone Austria 2000 2000

Brain Work This Week 2000

Wildlife News 2000

Briefme: Magazine Archive 2000

Contact the Jarvis Lab


Rockefeller University, Box 54, 1230 York Avenue,New York, NY 10065


​(212) 327-8437

Lauren Shalmiyev - Administrative Coordinator 

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©2021 by Albert M. Sanchez

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