Actions Empowering URMs
Rockefeller University Organizations
Women in Science at Rockefeller (WISeR)
Rockefeller Inclusive Science Initiative (RiSI)
Society for Neuroscience DEIJ initiatives
International Fellows Poster Session: Poster Session where the next generation of leading young investigators present and network with peers from around the world. Trainees are sponsored by the
Latin American Training Program (LATP), the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), and others.
Diversity Poster Session: Poster sessions where trainees, sponsored by the Neuroscience Scholars Program (NSP), the Summer Program in Neuroscience, Ethics & Survival (SPINES), and others, present their research and network with other scientists.
Celebration of Women in Neuroscience Event: Event at the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting honoring women in neuroscience.